Monday, March 11, 2013

Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare

Oh, boy...

It's been quite some time since I last posted here in this little corner of the internet. Not that anyone sees it, but still. I feel some remorse for neglecting my child. Actually, this blog is still a toddler. No, a newborn. It may be two and a half years old, but the time and attention I give it makes it about two months old (and that's being generous...).

I've unearthed this jewel because I wish to embark on another 365 day journey that I may, in fact, fail. (Hey, I'm just being realistic.) But I may have figured this whole thing out - just take it one day at a time. Yeah, I'm a little late on that bandwagon, huh? But still, "better late than never" (the actual motto of my life).

Now I've gathered you together here today to announce my newest project:


^ I pulled out all the stops because this is an ancient art form, lost amidst the technology that enslaves us.

Yes, I will subject myself to a year's worth of carpal tunnel syndrome in order to hopefully resurrect this antiquated form of communication. And I have another surprise!

I've already written the first one. And I even put stickers on it. Nice, sparkly ones.

I wrote to my boss I worked with this summer for 5 weeks. Definitely sounds odd, but the relationship was anything but. She is a hybrid mom-sister-taskmaster, and she changed my life, so I decided to surprise her with a nice, handwritten note telling her how much I love her.

Now doesn't that just give you warm fuzzies all over?

Even though this sounds like a Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare, I take on this endeavor by my own accord and under no duress. Call me crazy. Call me old-fashioned. Just don't call me late for dinner.

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