Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Week of School

Wow. Just wow. I just finished my first week of senior year, and I am exhausted. Granted, this week was only two day long, but still. I am totally wiped. It's not that I'm not excited for senior year; it's just that my schedule is crazy.

When I first got my schedule in August, I freaked out - from excitement, of course. Here's the breakdown: Advanced Studio Art, U.S. Christianity and Culture, Physics, Honors Microeconomics, Precalculus, Honors AP Spanish Language, and Honors AP English Language & Composition. I know that sounds extremely fully, but it's manageable. I dropped down this year from honors math and honors science because I wanted to have a less full schedule. I also wanted more time to devote to theater, my passion.

Anyway, the first day of school was incredibly overwhelming. All my classes seemed to go by so quickly, with teachers cramming rules and expectations for the new school year. They also doled out homework, quizzes, and tests like they were candy. I can see my schedule filling up like the Titanic...

I am so thankful that this week lasted a mere two days. Now that I'm done, though, I can't even imagine what next week's going to be like.

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