Tuesday, March 4, 2014

¡Ay, caramba!

I found this old writing of mine whilst cleaning out the external hard-drive I've commandeered from my family. I wrote this three and a half years ago...


Seriously, though. Where did it all go?

I am in my first year of college - about to finish it, no less (Spring Break is in four days, but who's counting?). I wrote this in the fall of my sophomore year. I wasn't thinking about graduating let alone college.

But actually, I am in awe.

Might need some more time to meditate how much I've changed - or haven't (I would still totally make a blog like this, but I can't keep this one regular, so...).

Anyway, I plan to post more gems like this in the future - Lord knows I've found plenty. Enough to last me through the summer, I would reckon.

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