Tuesday, November 5, 2013


If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again.
- William Edward Hickson

I should probably get this tattooed on my body at some point. I say this all the time...and mean it. This is the umpteenth time I've "revived" this blog, and I keep apologizing. What for? This is my blog for me, not for anyone else. Once they (whoever "they" are) pay me to keep up a blog, by golly I will keep it up! But until then, sporadic updates are all I can promise you.

I'm in college now - whoop de doo. No, I'll post about that later...much later. I like it, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

I just wanted to brag a bit and pay homage to the Sparknotes gods. Without them, I'm fairly certain that 96% of today's population of teenagers would not be where they are today with them. I admit, I have used them in place of reading the actual assigned book/novel/play/etc. C'est la vie. No shame in my game. I read other things, so I don't feel too bad for neglecting Plato's Symposium. Buuuut I did want to toot my own horn a bit *toot toot* that I read four chapters of the Virgil's Aeneid in fifteen minutes. The summaries, of course.

Now it's off to bed because physical exertion (a.k.a. ballet class) bright and early tomorrow morning.


    I think that would be a cool tattoo (as much as I would never get one). Where would it be? Would it be in a stylistic font?
    I actually am one of the few teens that has never used sparknotes in the place of reading. I've used it when studying for a test so I didn't have to reread the whole book but that's it. But I'm glad it's been handy for you!
    I really want to read that post about college, or we should just talk sometime!

  2. you could always get it short hand

    "(try^3)^again" (the carrots indicating actual superscript
