Monday, June 24, 2013

Blogging "Skins"

For all of you who are completely unaware of the internet and its trends, for this series of posts I'm taking a proverbial page from Dan Bergstein's book blog titled "Blogging Twilight" and blogging about a new TV series I'm starting called Skins.

Personally, I have read the entire Twilight series (shout out to 1st book Bella - she is my favourite), but I admittedly have only read snippets of Mr. Bergstein's aforementioned blog.

Premise: he reads the entire series and blogs about his experience.

My thoughts: I should totally do this, too.
Secondary thoughts: That's a big commitment...
Tertiary thoughts: I'll add it to my bucket list!

This idea has popped us many a time for many a series (across several mediums), but never have I ever been in the midst of a bout of blogging AND beginning a new series. It's like a cosmic cerebral collision. Anyway, I'm eager about this project (sound familiar?) because I now have a direction AND it's manageable.

Manageable, you say? Elizabeth, you rarely (if ever) work on manageable projects.

I know, I know. But this one is different: Just like Dan reads a chapter (or so) and writes about it, I will watch an episode then blog about it. As easy as picking your nose. Because everyone knows making pie really isn't that easy.

Well that was crude.

Yes. But it got my point across.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Abdominal Muscles

I just finished Day 1 of an ab workout my friend recommended to me. It's actually a 30-day ab challenge, and I'm 17 days behind...

I skipped ahead to Day 3 because Days 1 and 2 sounded way too easy. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning when I wake up, though. I'm in fairly good shape considering I haven't played sports for the last year and a half. And if I do two workouts per day and skip my rest days, then I'll be caught up by the end of the month (with two emergency rest days to spare).


Welcome to my life.

Shout out to: Moby, Ram Jam, and Neon Hitch for getting me through it.

I was feeling really low and moping around, so I logged off Netflix and decided to take some initiative. I made my bed (which instantly makes me feel better - a ray of sunshine when my clouds are gray kind of shenanigans), took down my hair (How can I do full sit-ups when my bun gets in the way?), and dove right in, rocking out to a steady beat. As I finished off my sit-ups, my abdominal muscles started pouting. After the crunches, they whimpered. During my leg raises, tears quietly streamed down their metaphorical faces. And by the time I collapsed after a 15s plank, they were sobbing hysterically.

Cut me some slack, okay? You don't know my life. You don't know how much cereal I want.

Go team, Elizabeth.