Monday, May 7, 2012

Sweet Summertime

I have 18 more days 'til summer. A mere 2 1/6 weeks. That's not so bad, right? Wrong. So incredibly wrong. I took today off so that I could study for my AP exams.

That's right. I took off school, so I could study.

Does that make any sense? No, not really. But I'm pretty sure that students from severely academically rigorous schools, like my own, would understand. It's so hard to study for the APs while teachers are still assigning massive amounts of homework, tests, and quizzes. Sense this makes none.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I also needed a little break from studying. My next posts will include giant, unrealistic goals that I have no hopes of following but still want to do regardless.

Maybe this summer will change me. A new season. Time for me to turn over a new leaf, but which one? Who knows? You'll find out soon enough.

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