Monday, May 14, 2012

A Niagara Falls of Bread Pudding

Oh. My. Gosh.

I survived the 2012 AP Biology Exam.

I'm a little worse for the wear, but hey! I'm not the slobbering, incoherent mess I thought I'd be. This is a step up for me. A big step. A huge one, actually. I almost finished climbing the steps at Machu Picchu. Have you seen how many steps there are? It's phenomenal, breathtaking, and ridiculous all jelly-rolled into one.

I only have one more AP Exam left and that's AP Language. I'm not too worried about it, actually. I'm not going to blow it off, though. Yes, I am that girl. The one who studies even though she doesn't have to. But I am other the other girl as well, the one who doesn't study for important things and somehow manages to fly by the seat of her pants? A gift, a talent, call it what you wish. I am so thankful that I got it - whatever it is.

Now, I have ten days left until my summer officially begins. I'm going to work my butt off because my mom promised me that she would buy me warm bread pudding with vanilla sauce from CafĂ© Express if I did. I mean, have you tried that stuff? My mouth waters like Niagara falls just looking at it.

Disclaimer: I could not find a 100% accurate picture of the restaurant's bread pudding, but this comes pretty darn close to what I last remember.

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