Monday, May 21, 2012

T Minus 3 Days and Counting...

I apologize for not posting any sooner, but things got a little crazy up in here. I finished all my APs (yay!), and I just finished my first final exam for this semester, morality. It was 150 objective questions and an essay in 1.5 hours. I wrote a 14-page review, so I better have gotten an A...

I have my Spanish final tomorrow morning and then math on Thursday. Math will be my last final, and then I am free! Summer is so close I can just taste it. It tastes like snoballs...

Not these snoballs:

But these snoballs:

What are snoballs? Good question. I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert in this frozen field of summer treats. What I do know, however, is that snoballs are a type of shaved ice topped with flavored cane sugar and water. I also know that "shaved ice" is a category of icy desserts consisting of shaved (or even crushed) ice topped with some sort of flavored topping, consisting of either pure ingredients (such as cane sugar and water) or preservative-laden syrups. There are many levels of shaved ice, ranging from Hawaiian shaved ice (the most coarse) to snoballs (the finest shaved ice there is). So fine, that it feels like powdered snow. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is powdered snow.

Here are some of the different varieties (in increasing order of ice coarseness):


"Snow cones are a variation of the shaved ice dessert commonly served throughout North America in paper cups or styrofoam cups."

Raspas is a word derived from the Spanish verb raspar meaning "to scrape off." How cool is that?!

[Thank you,]

"Shave ice or Hawaiian shave ice is an ice-based dessert made by shaving a block of ice. While the product can resemble a snow cone, snow cones are made with crushed, rather than shaved, ice."
[Thank you, Wikipedia:]

While I'm sure both types of snoballs are delicious, I'm definitely partial toward the icy snoballs. Sorry, Hostess. The pink coconut is a wee bit off-putting.

Except for this sculpture here. Somehow, it works.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Niagara Falls of Bread Pudding

Oh. My. Gosh.

I survived the 2012 AP Biology Exam.

I'm a little worse for the wear, but hey! I'm not the slobbering, incoherent mess I thought I'd be. This is a step up for me. A big step. A huge one, actually. I almost finished climbing the steps at Machu Picchu. Have you seen how many steps there are? It's phenomenal, breathtaking, and ridiculous all jelly-rolled into one.

I only have one more AP Exam left and that's AP Language. I'm not too worried about it, actually. I'm not going to blow it off, though. Yes, I am that girl. The one who studies even though she doesn't have to. But I am other the other girl as well, the one who doesn't study for important things and somehow manages to fly by the seat of her pants? A gift, a talent, call it what you wish. I am so thankful that I got it - whatever it is.

Now, I have ten days left until my summer officially begins. I'm going to work my butt off because my mom promised me that she would buy me warm bread pudding with vanilla sauce from CafĂ© Express if I did. I mean, have you tried that stuff? My mouth waters like Niagara falls just looking at it.

Disclaimer: I could not find a 100% accurate picture of the restaurant's bread pudding, but this comes pretty darn close to what I last remember.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Productive Procrastination

Back again. I'm trying to keep a more regular schedule of blogging, whether it'll happen or not is a different story. "It doesn't hurt to try," does it? Well, in this case it doesn't. I can think of so many more cases where it would, but we're going to stay optimistic.


Blame my sardonic mood on the fact that I have AP exams rapidly approaching. And by rapidly approaching,  I mean my first one is on Friday. Less than two days away. It's American History, a topic that I recently discovered a (previously nonexistent) passion for. I think it's my teacher, though. He's incredible. In junior high, I loathed U.S. History, but now I tolerate appreciate (dare I say it?) enjoy it. I may even consider studying it in college, a decision that come flying out of nowhere like those idiotic crows in the Windex commercials.

Anyway, I have a list of topics to blog about because I have frequent daily rants and raves about random topics, and all I want to do is impregnate you with my opinions. That's all anyone wants to do, right?

One of the things I want to give a brief rundown of is my list of things to do for summer.

Here it is:
  1. Get in shape.
  2. Organize my life.
  3. Blog more.
Since three is my favourite number, I decided I would start there. My list is both completely and totally manageable and unmanageable at the same time, much like my life and the world in general, I suppose. I like this list because it is open to a wide variety of interpretations (all my own, of course), so I "technically" should be able to fail. I dislike failure. I really do.

That's all I have to say for now. Fortunately/unfortunately, I must go back to stuffing my brain with the history of American from the past 510 years.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sweet Summertime

I have 18 more days 'til summer. A mere 2 1/6 weeks. That's not so bad, right? Wrong. So incredibly wrong. I took today off so that I could study for my AP exams.

That's right. I took off school, so I could study.

Does that make any sense? No, not really. But I'm pretty sure that students from severely academically rigorous schools, like my own, would understand. It's so hard to study for the APs while teachers are still assigning massive amounts of homework, tests, and quizzes. Sense this makes none.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I also needed a little break from studying. My next posts will include giant, unrealistic goals that I have no hopes of following but still want to do regardless.

Maybe this summer will change me. A new season. Time for me to turn over a new leaf, but which one? Who knows? You'll find out soon enough.