Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mea Culpa

School's been pretty bad lately. Projects, tests, quizzes, and homework just keep piling up. My goal for this blog, ideally, was to write everyday. Realistically, I changed it to everyother day. Now reality has dumped a huge bucket on my head, and I realized that my posts will be sporadic. Hopefully, they can be really insightful and inspiring. Most likely they'll be me venting about something or random facts you could live without but are still impressed with because they're just that awesome. Anyways, I'm starting my photo blog today- October 6, 2010. However, I'm going to post 5 more pictures to make up for "lost time". I just want to see where the daily photoblog takes me. I'm sort of interested in photography, and I want to progress and work on my photography skills. Please feel free to critique them. Post your opinions or more technical advice. I care not because anything will help. :)