Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Days 1-6

These photos some of the ones that I took at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. It's a relatively new museum that opened in September of 2004. When I went, there was an exhibit called "Strange Comfort" by a Canadian artist name Brian Jungen. Basically Mr. Jungen's technique is called "found art." That's when art is created from everyday objects that are modified, but aren't usually considered art. I really like his work, so I think this will be a week based of Brian Jungen's art. By the way, I titled these shots myself. If Mr. Jungen and I happened to title our things the same, it was purely coincidence.

Fuel of Life


The American Dream


Cascus vultus avis

Hero of a Nation

1 comment:

  1. Hominidae and Whalebone are cool :D but I think my favorite picture is Cascus vultus avis. the shadows make it look super-creepy and like it's appearing out of the darkness. *insert spooky music*
